A concussion1 is a form of mild traumatic brain
injury (TBI) though the qualifier “mild” can often be misleading. Simply
because a brain injury is considered to be mild does not mean it may not have
serious effects on your life or cause losses. “Mild” simply refers to the fact
that symptoms clear up in a shorter amount of time than id the case with more
severe TBIs. Even if your brain injury is minor, a diagnosis and treatment is
necessary to avoid complications and ensure your recovery.
Were you
in an accident?
Anytime you
are in an accident that involves a hit to the head or a sudden jolt, there is
the potential to sustain a concussion. Some accidents that commonly cause
concussions include:
in contact sports
vehicle accidents
After any
of these accidents, it is important to undergo a medical evaluation to identify
a concussion or any other type of injury.
Are you
experiencing symptoms?
injury symptoms are not always immediately identifiable or recognizable to the
victim. If you are experiencing any of the following, you should tell your
coordination issues
with speech or senses
of consciousness
There are
many more possible symptoms so if anything feels out of the ordinary, you
should err on the side of caution and seek a diagnosis.
a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer for help today
At The
Levin Firm, our
legal team understands that even relatively minor injuries can have a
significant effect on your life. Not only should you always receive the proper
medical treatment you need for physical recovery, but we also know how
important financial recovery from any responsible parties can be. Even victims
of a concussion or other type of mild TBI can incur medical costs and may lose income
due to missing work while their brain injury heals. You deserve to be
compensated for any injury-related losses, so please call an experienced brain
injury attorney at 215-825-5183 for a free consultation today.